INSTIL - cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions

INSTIL – cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions

INSTIL – cItizeN Science engagemenT based on Ict soLutions

Climate change poses major challenges to all people equally, not just scientists and politicians. Citizen science is increasingly used to engage the public in scientific processes to raise awareness and promote actions towards climate change and sustainability. In addition, citizen science represents a powerful tool for the democratization of science, the creation of multidisciplinary contexts engaging citizens, but also stakeholders, not only with the provision of data and facilities, but it has the potential to foster scientific awareness and participation.  

INSTIL invites research results from scientists who have invested significant efforts in the design and development of ICT-based tools, software, serious games, eScience applications and solutions to engage the general public in science. The workshop will focus on various aspects of citizen (e)science activities and initiatives, from the dissemination of science up to the active participation of citizens and stakeholders in the scientific process by co-designing and co-developing new tools, networks and systems to observe, validate, elaborate, and extract knowledge from data and models.  

The general goal of the workshop is to act as a community venue to convey multidisciplinary experiences in exploring ICT solutions to raise awareness, engage and empower citizens and stakeholders in science with concrete eScience tools. The workshop will be primarily focusing on the domains of climate, climate changes and environmental related topics, but experiences from other domains are welcome as well. 

Important dates

Paper submissions:

30th June14th July 2023 

Paper acceptance notification:

22nd 28th July 2023 

Camera-ready submissions:

5th August 2023 


9th October 2023 


  • Novel citizen science ICT solutions, serious games, and more
  • Citizen engagement through ICT solutions
  • Co-design & co-development of ICT solutions
  • Citizen science going beyond data collection
  • Bringing the educational aspect back in the focus of citizen science
  • Challenges and lessons learned
  • Data infrastructure and pipeline in the framework of citizen science projects
Team engagement
Session 1
Invited Keynote

Prof. Raffaele Montella

11:00 - 12:30
Session 2
Citizen science and Technologies
14:00 - 15:30
Session 3
Serious Games
16:00 - 17:00
Session 4
Closing remarks