
Program Committee

Antonella Passani

T6 Ecosystems

Muhammad Adnan

Universiteit Hasselt

Gefion Thuermer

King’s Collegue London

Carlo Cintolesi

University of Bologna

Anna Molter

University College Dublin

Laura Esbrì Corbella

University of Barcelona

Organisational Committee

Antonella Galizia

Antonella Galizia

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, CNR

Ulrike Falk

Ulrike Falk

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Joy Ommer

Joy Ommer

KAJO s.r.o.

Partners projects


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I-CHANGE is a European Innovation Action (funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme) which has started in November 2021 and is running for 3,5 years. The project aim is to show that behavioural change of single citizens is possible through citizen science initiatives which are using sensors and that this has an impact of their environmental footprint.


Visit the website
IMPETUS is a European project funded by Horizon Europe. The project will support and give recognition to citizen science (CS) by enabling a wider range of citizen science initiatives (CSIs) to access innovative funding. The project aims to bring CS closer to society and policymakers and to acknowledge its role in tackling the greatest challenges of our times. It started in July 2022 and will run for 4 years.